A downloadable RDA-Consolidation

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RDA - Consolidation

... Incoming transmission ... ... ... welcome to another playable RDA sequel - the RDA - Consolidation ... As usual - our hero player, (assisted by Taxon industries) still runs around the solar system, tracking all activities and developments of the Entity, and trying to deliver more information to Earth about everything he discovers each time that he is on the mission ... This time you are located at another Entity's outer space bases, in the vicinity of the mini planet Consolidation, that has portals linked to Earth and Moon, with the (by regular) half-distorted gravity of the environments and Entity seems to be also using some gravity technology in the form of the local zones, that player can use to the advantage, to traverse around the otherwise impossible or certain-death gaps in the zone. Entity is also all - freely experimenting with the same gravity zones to produce highly charged health water and anti-gravity effects, all based on the forbidden black book research and apparently: gravity - as we know it. So  they are also found available in the zone, once you are there. Aware of the roaming electric worms, that are the recent development, by which Entity is trying to protect further their advanced technology around, that they are trying to conceal and prepare further for their plans. Unless you can get enough clues for the Earth, accessing and understanding every secret possible, while you are trying to stay alive at the mission ...

... The TSAI army of clone cyborg soldiers is also contracted to guard the areas, so be aware of that, as they can place a pretty far and precise shots at you, form the most unexpected angles and locations, as you roam around looking for more secrets, facts and clues.

Harold, one of the secret and dedicated truth seekers and investigative journalists can also be found around the area, at his usual fire barrels, taking some heat and giving away the most important clues as to what is going on, once you are in the area, and while you can run into him around, for some information. Certain rooms are the death traps as well, and you need to use all ingenuity you have to quickly discover how to defuse the room-trap, or find alternative way out, either by (proper order) moving the levers and switches and keeping a good eye on what exactly the pressure gauges are telling you in the process, or by finding a workaround-out, that also always exists. These two, as the both ways out, are possible to use, in the order to escape the trap-rooms / lock rooms around the RDA maps on time, before is too late ...

... Just as with the every playable sequel of the RDA serial - and just as in the real life - very realistic. As usual for the RDA serial gameplay - the best recommended gameplay is via  game pads and controllers, for your best RDA feeling, with the occasional use of keyboard - mouse around, which is available per normal-as well, for game interface and such, but not as a primary way of playing the RDA. The game pad still remains the best, and is only right way to play the RDA. While more playable RDA sequels and episodes are coming - we thank you for your purchases and downloads, or donations, comments and support, as we continue to see all our players and fans - the actual members of the RDA community, and we would not have it any other way ... ... ... transmission interrupted ... ... ...


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